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One Of The Top In-Demand Professions For The Next 10 Years in Canada – Nurse

Industry-focused organizations, such as the World Economic Forum, tend to focus on what the future will hold for professionals and the necessary skills that will be in demand over the next five years. With the introductions of technology, many positions such as programmers, engineers and in-depth marketing specialists should come as no surprise to make some of the top listed in-demand professions.

However, despite the demand for technology-related skills, there is a massive wave of human interaction professions that will be required in the near and long-term future. In fact, World Economic Forum also indicated that 65% of students in elementary schools today will go on to work at jobs that currently do not exist.

This study has ignited two very important findings, and the first is that education and continued education will be essential. The second is that jobs that require human care will be more in demand than ever before. One of the main reasons for this is that the life expectancy for both men and women has been gradually increasing, which requires health care aides and practical nurses to be.

A report from the Conference Board of Canada notes that the required number of nurses will increase more than double from 64,000 to 142,000 over the next ten years. Currently, there are over 1.4 million seniors in Canada in need of continuing support, and it is estimated that these numbers will increase by 71% in 2026. Seniors account for approximately ⅓ of the population, and the country is looking for assistance to keep up with the demand required to maintain their health, which widely relies on nurses and health aide professionals to fill this role.

Demand for nursing services is expected to increase sharply as Canada’s population ages.

Overall demand for nursing in providing continuing care to seniors will increase annually by 3.4 per cent.

Better nursing workforce data and research for continuing care is required to meet enhanced community and home care health system reforms.

As providers of acute, chronic, rehabilitative, and palliative care, regulated nurses are at the front line of care and support for seniors. Nurses provide direct clinical care in homes and in long-term care homes. They also provide a number of other services and supports including case management, care coordination, supervision, education, as well as administrative within the continuing care spectrum. Currently, over 1.4 million Canadian seniors need and receive paid and unpaid continuing care supports, and this figure could increase by 71 per cent in 2026.

One of the most prominent nursing groups in the country, the Canadian Nurses Association, warns that Canada will experience an extreme shortage in nurses in the coming years. The Canadian Nurses Association predicts a shortage of 60,000 nurses by the year 2022. One strategy for overcoming the nursing shortage, is increasing Canada’s nursing population through immigration!

Are you a Nurse looking to start a successful career in Canada? Speak to our team of experienced professionals for expert advice.


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