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UAE Investment Opportunities And Expo 2020: Things To Know

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Dubai has been a favorite for investors and expatriates alike in the past decade. The city is booming with business opportunities and new developments, making it one of the most visited cities in the world. It is true that UAE's real estate market is on a roll with prices up by around 20% year on year. However, there are other investment options such as stocks and bonds that can help you grow your wealth faster than property investments.

Why Dubai?

Dubai has been a key business hub in the Middle East for years, and its strategic position is only going to become increasingly important in the coming decades. With the region’s traditional trade routes being disrupted by political tensions and social unrest, Dubai stands out as a beacon of stability and growth.

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What is the Expo 2020?

As the largest event in the Middle East, Dubai Expo 2020 is set to build on its predecessor's success. From October 2021 to March 2022, over 20 million visitors are expected to visit the 648-hectare site. The theme for this World Expo is “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future.” More than 160 countries will participate in the event and will feature around 100 national pavilions.

What are the investment opportunities in UAE?

The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven emirates on the Arabian Peninsula in southwestern Asia. The country has an estimated population of 8.4 million, and its inhabitants speak Arabic and English. It is ranked as the second most oil-rich country per capita in the world after Qatar.

The UAE is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The recent oil price decline has had no adverse effect on the economy. UAE's GDP growth rate for 2015 was 3.9% driven by real estate, financial services, and tourism sectors. With its diversified business model, the UAE has become a global hub for businesses to invest in.

Are you ready to invest in UAE?

If you’re looking to invest in Dubai and the UAE, we can help. We have a team of consultants ready to assist you with all the steps required for setting up your business in Dubai. Contact us today!


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